This year has been a real test for our plants. After a few pleasantly wet days after sowing, we were back to the dry spell.
Needless to say, the patch didn’t fare too well (to add to our troubles, we’ve been having trouble with the hand pump in the school).
We’ve returned to organic gardening once again this year, but only in a different school. This year, Kohka Middle School has taken it on themselves to go organic.
We may have been off to a slow start because of the, may we say, ‘belligerent’ weather (For those who didn’t follow the diaries, yes, the weather was actually dead against us), but we were successful in the end. A section of our summer plants fared very well and our winter plants made us proud.
However, our real pride was the students of Turia Middle School. They showed responsibility and organisation one often doesn’t see in middle school students. We looked at the organic gardening project as a way to instill not only knowledge of organic cultivation but also of cooperation, team work and patience for mutual benefits.
To bid goodbye until we return with our diaries in the next academic year, we’d like to revisit some memories of our enjoyable yet very educational experience. Here are some of the photos that capture the pith of our organic experience.
After a busy month, we’re back to share some good news-
The methi, spinach and coriander have fared brilliantly! The spinach has already been picked for use once and is still going strong.
We’ve finally surfaced! If you’re wondering why we’ve been so quiet all December, we should let you know, we’ve been putting in a little of that extra effort for the winter sowing.
Just like in July, we sowed our seeds with hope. And, looks like we’re going strong!
हमारे भिन्डी और बरबटी के सुन्दर पौधों ने अपने उद्देश्य की सेवा की। हमारे स्कूल के दोपहर का भोजन बनाने वाले रसोई ने हमारे कार्बनिक भूखंड के उत्पादों को शोषित कर लिया। ( बिल्कुल सच, छात्रों के कच्ची भिंडियां खाने के बाद बची हुई उत्पाद! हाँ , हम जानते हैं कि आप क्या सोच रहे हैं, कच्ची भिंडी? पर, छात्रों को इससे बहुत प्यार है! हमें लगता है कि कार्बनिक रूप से सब्ज़ियाँ उगाते समय इसका मिठास से कुछ लेना- देना रहता है। )
इस समय, हम गुस्से और सदमे की चरम सीमा पर हैं। हमें सीमा से अधिक रोष आ रहा है! पालक और मेथी के पौधों पर हमारा दूसरा प्रयास अक्टूबर में असामयिक वर्षा से निरस्त हो गया। हमने सोचा कि हमने सितंबर में ही मानसून को पीछे छोड़ दिया है, लेकिन यह बस यहीं कहीं कोने में छुपा बैठा था।
Our beautiful Bhindi and Barbati plants served their purpose. Our Midday Meal Kitchen in the shcool absorbed all the produce of our organic patch (off course, the produce that remains after the students eat the raw bhindi! Yes, we know what you’re think, raw Bhindi? But, the students love it! We think it has something to do with the sweetness in vegetables when grown organically.)
At this moment, we are more than just blue. We are borderline furious! Our second attempt at the Palak and Methi plants got nullified by terribly untimely rain in October. We thought we had left the monsoon behind in September, but it was just lurking around the corner.
लोगों को लगता होगा कि एक पैच के आधे की विफलता हमारे छात्रों का मनोबल नीचे ला देगी। हम कुछ बहुत परेशान छात्रों की उम्मीद कर रहे थे। हालांकि, यह तथ्य सामने आया की हमारे छात्रों को उनकी प्रगति में परिस्थितियों को अनुकूल करना आता है।