At this moment, we are more than just blue. We are borderline furious! Our second attempt at the Palak and Methi plants got nullified by terribly untimely rain in October. We thought we had left the monsoon behind in September, but it was just lurking around the corner.
It saddened us to see a very low yield of the palak and methi. Very small plants sprouted due to the excessive moisture in the soil only to get practically submerged in the some more rain.
We’re currently working on a plan for that bit of the patch that didn’t survive. To know how we coped, follow us on Facebook and Twitter and get the latest in #theorganicdiaries.
(The E-Base program is all about putting into practice learnings at the E-base. Our modules are well complemented by hands- on and practical implementations through our projects in schools we associate with. The three main projects for this year- organic gardening, composting and energy generation through a bicycle aim to drive home the necessity of a commitment towards sustainability and environmental conservation.)