
What goes in and what comes out!: Workshop on our digestive system by Leaps and Bounds

July 8, 2013 • Posted in: News, Workshops

To kick off our second year at the E-Base, we commenced with our Food and Nutrition Module.

Smelling and then biting into the chocolate to understand how the digestive process starts at the point of salivation.

Smelling and then biting into the chocolate to understand how the digestive process starts at the point of salivation.

As an introduction to the module we went to the basics- our digestion process.

Feeling the food going down their esophagus.

Feeling the food going down their esophagus.


बच्चों के लिए बचाव! : सर रॉबर्ट स्वान

June 25, 2013 • Posted in: News

हमें पूर्वजों से हमारा ग्रह विरासत में नहीं मिला है; हमने इसे अपने बच्चों से उधार लिया है। जिस तरीके से हम अपनी ज़िन्दगी आज जी रहे हैं वह हमारे बच्चों की ज़िंदगी को गहराई से प्रभावित करेगा और आज के किए फैसले पृथ्वी पर जीवन को भविष्य में प्रभावित करेंगे। इसलिए, यह हमारा लक्ष्य है की आने वाली अधिनायकों की पीढ़ी को इसके निर्माण में ज़िम्मेदारी लेने, स्थायी होने और कार्रवाई के उचित समय का ज्ञान होने के लिए सूचित, भागीदार एवं प्रेरित करें।

Inspiring students at the E-Base.

Inspiring students at the E-Base.


Children to the Rescue!: Sir Robert Swan

June 25, 2013 • Posted in: News

We do not inherit our planet from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. The way we live our lives will profoundly impact the lives of our children and decisions made today will influence the future of life on Earth. Therefore, it is our mission to build on this by informing, engaging and inspiring the next generation of leaders to take responsibility, be sustainable, and know that the time for action is NOW.

Inspiring students at the E-Base.

Inspiring students at the E-Base.


जहाँ मनुष्य का प्रकृति से मिलन होता है : बिट्टू सहगल

May 23, 2013 • Posted in: News
INdia is one of the most biodiverse nations in the world. Though, we are fast losing this natural wealth on the name of  unchecked conventional forms of 'development'. Image: Harsh Piramal

India is one of the most biodiverse nations in the world. Though, we are fast losing this natural wealth on account of unchecked conventional forms of ‘development’.

आज के गुमराह विकास की महत्वाकांक्षाओं की सूरत में, हमारे ग्रह की जीवित जैव विविधता को संरक्षित करना निस्संदेह पृथ्वी पर जीवन के अस्तित्व को आतंकित करने वाली एक सबसे महत्वपूर्ण चुनौती है। यह जंग जाल्वायु की आपदा से नख-शिख से जुदा है जिसे अब अत्यधिक दृढ़ अर्थशास्त्रियों और वैज्ञानिकों ने भी वास्तविकता के रूप में स्वीकार कर लिया है।


Where Man meets Nature: Bittu Sahgal

May 23, 2013 • Posted in: News
INdia is one of the most biodiverse nations in the world. Though, we are fast losing this natural wealth on the name of  unchecked conventional forms of 'development'. Image: Harsh Piramal

India is one of the most biodiverse nations in the world. Though, we are fast losing this natural wealth on account of unchecked conventional forms of ‘development’.

Conserving our planet’s surviving biodiversity, in the face of today’s misguided developmental ambitions, is undoubtedly one of the most crucial challenges that threatens the very survival of life on earth. This battle is umbilically connected to the climate crisis that has now come to be accepted as a reality by even the most hard-headed economists and scientists.


ई-बेस के अनुगामी प्रशंसक!

April 29, 2013 • Posted in: News

ई बेस के कई प्रशंसक हैं! लेकिन , वे केवल अपने ही छात्र नहीं हैं! प्रशिक्षकों , स्कूल के शिक्षकों और भारत भर के छात्रों को ई-बेस का अद्भुत अनुभव था।

Curiouscity educators with the students from Kohka school

Curiouscity educators with the students from Kohka school


E-Base Fan Following!

April 29, 2013 • Posted in: News

The E-Base has many fans! But, they are not only our students! Educators, school teachers and students from all over India have had wonderful experiences at the E-Base.

Curiouscity educators with the students from Kohka school

Curiouscity educators with the students from Kohka school


स्कूल में वापस!

April 23, 2013 • Posted in: News

शांति पेंच बाघ अभ्यारण्य व्याख्यान केंद्र में एक सफाई कर्मचारी के रूप में काम करती है। जब हमने पहली बार ई-बेस पर वर्कशॉप का आयोजन शुरू किया, तब उसके दोनों बच्चे जो खवासा स्कूल में अध्ययनरत हैं, ने भाग लिया था।

Shanti trying her hand at the experiments

Shanti trying her hand at the experiments

अपने काम में व्यस्त, शांति छात्रों के साथ गतिविधियाँ करते हुए कर तुरिया के बाहर या ई-बेस में हमसे टकराते हुए गुजरती थी। शायद तभी उसकी जिज्ञासा पैदा हुई और वह हमारी पेशकश रुचि लेने लगी। अपनी शिक्षा कभी नहीं पूरी कर पाने के बाद, ई-बेस के वर्कशॉप ने उसका ध्यान आकर्षित कर लिया और जल्द ही हमने शांति को सुन दूर खड़े एकाग्रचित होकर हमारे आयोजित वर्कशॉप को देखते और सुनते पाया।


Back to school!

April 23, 2013 • Posted in: News

Shanti works as a cleaner at the Pench Tiger Reserve Interpretation Centre. When we first began conducting workshops at the E-Base, both her children who study in Khavasa School attended them.

Shanti trying her hand at the experiments

Shanti trying her hand at the experiments

Busy with her own work, Shanti would pass us by at the E-Base or outside at the Turia Gate doing activities with the students. Perhaps, that’s when her curiosity arose and she started taking interest in what we had to offer. Never having completed her education, the workshops at the E-base captured her attention and soon later, we found Shanti standing at a distance listening and watching intently while we conducted workshops.


‘विज्ञान और प्रकृति का जादू’: चांदनी छाबड़ा द्वारा वर्कशॉप

April 18, 2013 • Posted in: News, Workshops

Photos for the website 1


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