
The Composting Diaries: The Set up

November 8, 2013 • Posted in: News, The Composting Diaries, Workshops

As part of our E-Base program for the year, we have taken it upon ourselves to not only go organic, but also be sustainable! Here’s introducing our second project for the year-

Compost Unit set up (1)

Kohka Middle School now has a very exciting addition- a compost unit!

Monisha Narke conducting a waste audit in Kohka Middle School

Monisha Narke conducting a waste audit in Kohka Middle School

Monisha Narke of RuR introduced the students to segregation of garbage and the concept of making kitchen waste compost- something that is quite uncommon in Pench.

Going through the biodegradable garbage generated at the school

Going through the biodegradable garbage generated at the school

Through a very entertaining session, Monisha familiarized the students with their waste and the ones that are biodegradable and those that aren’t. Then, it came down to some math and the students in Kohka Middle school realized almost 70% of their waste generated in school could be converted into something useful- compost.

After a quick and easy setup of the unit, we were ready to take the kitchen waste out to the compost unit. Within an hour we were done and ready to chalk out our plan for the next few harvests of compost.

Setting up the compost unit with the help of the 7th and 8th graders.

Setting up the compost unit with the help of the 7th and 8th graders.

Students fighting over who would get to fill the drum with kitchen waste first!

Students fighting over who would get to fill the drum with kitchen waste first!

To end our very long day in Kohka (It started pouring the minute we got to school!), we played the twenty question game with the students to quiz them on their knowledge on waste.

Needless to say, the students absolutely loved this game and it helped them revise their learning of waste too!

Needless to say, the students absolutely loved this game and it helped them revise their learning of waste too!

Composting sounds easy, but it requires daily attention. We’re not worried though- we’ve got a determined set of students and we’re sure we’re going to have a few very successful harvests!

Here's hoping we have a good harvest in the next 6 weeks!

Here’s hoping we have a good harvest in the next 6 weeks!

To know how we fare at our principal attempt at composting, follow us on facebook and twitter and read the #compostingdiaries.

(The E-Base program is all about putting into practice learnings at the E-base. Our modules are well complemented by hands- on and practical implementations through our projects in schools we associate with. The three main projects for this year- organic gardening, composting and energy generation through a bicycle aim to drive home the necessity of a commitment towards sustainability and environmental conservation.)

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