
The Composting Diaries: Step 2- The Routine

February 1, 2014 • Posted in: News, The Composting Diaries, Workshops

We have realized one thing- Composting requires patience and dedication.

Students filling up the compost bins after lunch.

Students filling up the compost bins after lunch.

Since we started two months ago, our magical compost bin has required daily attention. The students of Kohka Middle School have been putting in their kitchen waste every day.

What initially looked like just some skins, shells and leftovers slowly, over time, started looking a little like soil. Yes, the magic was happening in our bins!

This is how compost from Bin A looked at the end of December, right before the students left for their Christmas holidays.

Taking its time- the compost in Bin A.

Taking its time- the compost in Bin A.

Now, we’re just waiting it out and doing a quick daily check to see when we’re ready to harvest this compost.

To keep yourself updated about our composting attempt, follow us on Facebook and Twitter and read the #compostingdiaries

(The E-Base program is all about putting into practice learnings at the E-base. Our modules are well complemented by hands- on and practical implementations through our projects in schools we associate with. The three main projects for this year- organic gardening, composting and energy generation through a bicycle aim to drive home the necessity of a commitment towards sustainability and environmental conservation.)

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