
Vigyan Ashram: LED and Water Pumps Workshop

January 27, 2013 • Posted in: News, Workshops

Collage for Vigyan Ashram LED batteries Workshp (25- 27th Jan)

Keeping in mind the importance of conservation of our energy, Vigyan Ashram introduced the children to a sustainable and economical solution to the energy cuts sometimes experienced in their towns. They learnt about solar mobile phone battery chargers. Mobile phones, the lifeline of India, are rendered useless without their rechargeable batteries. This solar battery charger proves to be a brilliant way to make sure the students keep talking and beat the power cuts!

Next, the students made their very own LED Battery torches from scratch, thus learning how a simple circuit works. This hands on activity helped the students understand the concept of resistors, batteries, wiring and LEDs which otherwise are concepts restricted to just the text books.


Lastly, the students also made their own proto types of the hand water pumps found commonly in India. For this, they only used drinking straws, beads and tape. A simple method to learn a simple principle of how things around them work!

Students testing their straw water pumps

Students testing their straw water pumps

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