Light is the only source of energy at the E-Base, so what more important workshop to have than that on light energy. Our students are experts at using solar panels and making the most of what light has to offer. However, this week they dwelled deeper into phenomena related to light.
Understanding the seven colours of light.
Their expressions say it all! The marvels of science.
With a quick ‘scientific’ introduction, Science Utsav got down to business.
After understanding the basic properties of light, the students got a chance to create fluorescent liquid. It was almost a session of magic for them to see bright UV lights in the E-Base using. A great way to learn the different sources of light, we say! It’s not only down to the Sun!
Fluorescent lights lighting up the E-Base!
Chemo-luminance sticks fascinated the students.
Many questions, perhaps us adults can’t answers found themselves being thrown around in the E-Base. The students got answers to some of the most commonly asked questions such as why we perceive colour, why there are seven basic colours or why the sky appears blue in colour. (If you don’t know the answers to these questions, it’s time to come down to our E-Base!)
Next, as an antecedent to their activity of periscope building, the students went through reflection and refraction. Understanding the angles of reflection and how light travels have a bearing on understanding the working of a telescope.
“Aye aye Captain, the tigers are fine!”
Students content with their latest creation!
The entire trip back to school, the students couldn’t get enough of the periscope. Thank goodness for lunch break in school being right after the workshop!
Photo Credit: Sai Kiran